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Instead of following along with the yoga instructor in a class setting, a private lesson allows you to set specific and personal goals. Whether you are new to yoga, dealing with an injury or physical limitation, lacking in confidence, or just wanting to take your practice deeper, private yoga lessons are designed specifically for you and your needs. 


We work on whatever you need most — whether that’s flexibility, stress relief, alignment, balance, meditation, muscle strength or specific injury modifications. Are you feeling especially tight in your lower back and hips? Or perhaps you’re rehabbing from a shoulder injury? I can customize a session that focuses on relaxing and strengthening the muscles in those trouble areas. 


Some other benefits of private yoga:


  • Flexibility - weave yoga into your life based on your schedule

  • Safety - the individualized attention allows for modifications and specific direction to limit creating or perpetuating issues  

  • Learning - during a one-on-one session, you can ask as many questions as you like. Whether it be anatomy, biomechanics or mental fortitude, you'll benefit from my years of experience and can use our sessions for long-term growth

  • Personalization - my sole intention is to help you reach your specific goals (whether those be mental or physical) and you'll get all of my focus, energy and expertise 

Let's Connect

Want to chat before booking a private with me? 

Contact me here

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